How Our Services Works

Companies receive a complimentary month of breathwork sessions via Zoom, scheduled once a week.

  • Each session is 15-30 minutes long, designed to fit seamlessly into the workday.

  1. Employee Polls and Data Collection:

    • Before and after each session, employees complete a quick 3 question poll to assess stress levels, focus, and energy before and after the session.

    • This data is compiled to track progress over the month and demonstrate the effectiveness of breathwork in reducing stress and improving productivity.

  2. Post-Trial Options:

    • At the end of the free month, companies have the option to sign up for ongoing sessions.

    • Flexible options include 1 to 3 sessions per week, tailored to the company’s schedule and employee needs.

  3. Proven Results:

    • Companies receive a data-driven report after the trial period, showing the impact of breathwork on employee well-being and productivity, based on poll results.